Reception office
We conduct an initial interview, health check and help management.

Community dining room
Every month we distribute + 1400 lunches and breakfasts for our street grandparents.

Solidarity closet
We accept donations of used clothing to provide for our grandparents. With the rest we make “pulgueros” which helps in some way for self-management.

Dance and crafts
We help them express their best emotions through dance and music. We also teach them to write and paint, it’s never too late to learn!
Reception Office
This program began in January 2003 with 250 grandmothers and grandfathers from the street, homeless and beggars, welcoming them with love, to help them and now serves 350 elderly beneficiaries of the EMERGENCY HELP service, which, thanks to the work of the social worker, performs the reception, interview and verification of all the grandparents and according to the cases, manages help in the health area. For the attention in hospitals where surgeries are performed, attention of specialists for the treatment of special cases, exams, x-rays, surgeries and others; through the realization of solidarity aid agreements.

Community Dining Room
This service is provided in the Community Dining Room, with the support of the private sector and self-management of benefactors who help us to collect the necessary food to distribute the 1400 lunches and breakfasts every month.
The challenge is enormous, if you have food left over or would like to make a donation, please contact us!

Rations Service
Through the rations service we help +400 elderly people, each month with rations of 5 food items per month: rice, sugar, tuna, oatmeal and noodles. We point out that this consumes us every month 14 quintals of food and 350 cans of tuna that we wrap to give them, this is possible thanks to the collaboration of volunteers and benefactors.

Solidarity Closet
Solidarity Closet works looking for the donation of clothes for each month to distribute +400 garments to the elderly, that is to say that the grandmothers each month along with the rations of food receive their clothing. The rest of the clothes are used to make “pulgueros” that help in some way for self-management.

Dance and Crafts
We help our grandparents to express their best emotions through dance and music, to free themselves in some way from their daily burden and to walk together towards a positive attitude towards aging. We also teach them to write and paint, with the help of collaborators, including foreigners.